Opet Troya Çıplak Village Rehabilitation Project
Providing support for the protection of region’s history with “Respect to History Project” which it has been carrying out in
Çanakkale Gallipoli Peninsula for 14 years, OPET has commenced its efforts in 2019 at Çıplak Village which is another location
in Troya region, after having transformed Tevfikiye toan “Archaeo-Village” within the scope of 2018 Troya Year. Neighboring on
Troya Museum, Çıplak Village has been transformed into an ethno-village.
The main axis of the works that are being conducted at Çıplak Village where Anatolia’s different historical and cultural layers
are reflected consists of the concept “Ethno-Village” which is derived from the word “ethnography” as a science that studies
man-made cultural artifacts. The project was designed so as to reflect the ethno-cultural heritage of Çıplak Village which
incorporates elements, fabric and stories about all layers that represent the heritage of Anatolia. Çıplak Village has been
enriched with content that reflects its historical and cultural profoundness. Troya and the birth of archaeology, The Ottoman Empire,
the era of battles in early 20th century, and the ongoing works at Çıplak which is a village that bears the traces of the Republic
were designed as a slice of Ottoman and Turkish history of Çanakkale. Within this arrangement, the relationship of the 17th century
travelers and Schliemann and his successors with Çıplak Village beginning from 1870 and throughout Troya archaeological excavations
which is deemed as the start of archaeology is highlighted. Narratives that are conceptualized under the title “living history” and
focusing on farming culture were also featured. As a village where the traces of traditional agriculture can be found, a living
space that conveys the history of the village to the visitors with authentic themes were designed in Çıplak.