Opet Troya Tevfikiye Village Rehabilitation Project
OPET, which continues to claim the history of the region with the aya Respect for History Project “which has been carried out in Çanakkale Gelibolu Peninsula for 12 years, is the Çan 2018 International Year of Troy’; It completes the rehabilitation and renovation works of Tevfikiye Village in Troy, which stands out with its historical, mythological, cultural and natural beauties. Tevfikiye Village was transformed into an archaeological village with its atmosphere, buildings and figures and historical and mythological values ​​and open air museum.

The most important point that OPET started to work with Tevfikiye Village, which volunteers to work with all institutions and organizations for the evaluation of Troy Antique City, which includes every element of Çanakkale and its local people in terms of history, culture, tourism development and economic development. The treasure of the world cultural treasure of Troy and the visitors to Troy Museum to be opened in the coming days will be in front of the entrance road of this village. During these visits, Tevfikiye was aimed to turn into a village where breaks, organic vegetables, fruits and souvenirs were exchanged and the history of Troy could be seen. While the restoration of the village was continuing, courses on different topics were initiated with the cooperation of Çanakkale Public Education Center Directorate for the people of the village and the quality of social life was increased in the region. OPET aims to bring the Tevfikiye Village to the best service to the local and foreign visitors to the region.

First of all, it is necessary to follow up the rehabilitation works in Tevfikiye Village in the village and provide support to the project by the people of the village. 5 women, 5 men, village headman, village imam and village teacher and village committee was established. The village committee discusses the progress of the project by organizing weekly meetings and encourages the village people to encourage the project, distribute tasks, and ensure the coordination of the project within the village.

At the beginning of the Opet Troya Tevfikiye Village Rehabilitation Project, the survey conducted with the people of Tevfikiye Village was informed about the expectations of the people of the village, the works they thought to do, the demands for the courses and the support they could provide.

According to the results of the survey;
The people of Tevfikiye Village stated that they did not have many visitors to their villages and they wanted this to change.
They wanted to know more about the Trojan wars and the ruins and they wanted to reflect their villages as a Troya village.
About the Opet Troya Tevfikiye Village Rehabilitation Project, almost all of the people are hopeful, optimistic and excited. They stated that they would like to participate in the courses that will be opened with the contributions of Opet, especially those with crafts, business, hospitality and cookery.

-The entrance of the village and its surroundings were organized.
-In the village coffeehouse, wedding hall and health center, architectural renovation works were carried out according to the concept of ”Troy 6“ period.
-The wedding hall in the village square was converted into a museum and culture and art center.
-The historical village mosque, which was built with stones taken from the ruins of Troy ruins by a Greek craftsman from İntepe / Erenköy in 1895, was renewed in accordance with the original stones of the Troy period.
-Created at the spot that dominated the wide Troy plain and the square called Troy Square was created as a cruise area.
-The building in the garden of the village coffee house was renovated to be used as a restaurant in the concept of Troya house.
-The empty space between the Troya Square and the mosque was applied to the landscape and a miniature waterfall was created.
-The old village school in the village was converted into a pension.
-Landscape work was done in the village square and throughout. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Trees and Landscaping A. Ş. A total of 14 thousand 800 plants were planted, consisting of acacia, cypress, oleander, juniper, sycamore, redbud, rose, honeysuckle, jasmine and sardine.
-Village coffee houses and toilets in the wedding hall were renovated according to OPET standards.
-By providing paint support to the buildings in the village, it was ensured that the owners of the houses painted and maintained their houses according to the patterns, colors and motifs determined to coincide with the spirit of ere Troy Köy.
-Images that spoil the aesthetics are organized, flowering and afforestation have been made around the houses.
-Sales stands at the village entrance were renewed.
-Village furniture such as water dispenser, bench and trash can were placed in the village.
-The signs that guide and guide the village are placed at appropriate points on the roadside.
-Idle houses, which are not used in the village, were transformed into workshops by complete maintenance.

Courses are organized in cooperation with Çanakkale Public Education Center Directorate for the people of Tevfikiye Village. The first stage of the courses is completed. Within the scope of the course program, which started in February, a total of 964 hours of training was given each week 5 hours a day, 8 days a week, two days a week. Clean Toilet and Hygiene, Entrepreneurship, Occupational Safety and Health, Diction, Communication in Business and Social Life, Personal Development, Professional Ethics, English, Touristic and Gift Making, Rural Tourism Activities, Silver Sweaters, Kitre dolls. a total of 70 people from the village, including 64 male and 64 female participants. Also for the people of the village who want to make a pension, the Ministry of Culture Provincial Culture Directorate with the support of a boarding course was held.

Canakkale Governorship by drinking water and sewerage infrastructure works, telephone cables to be taken under the ground, electrical lines under the underground works, natural granite stone in the village to cover the road environment and square arrangements were made. Environmental regulations continue.
The project, which started with the protocol signed with the Governorship of Çanakkale on November 21, 2017, is planned to last 3 years.

OPET has been carrying out rehabilitation and restoration works since 2006 in the area where the Gallipoli Peninsula has been preserved in order to achieve a contemporary appearance by preserving the natural texture of the Gallipoli Peninsula within the scope of the asyon Respect for History Project OP. Alçıtepe, Seddülbahir, Bigalı, Kilitbahir, Büyük and Küçük Anafarta, Kocadere, Behramlı villages and Eceabat district were re-opened. The village squares and houses were renovated and modern sales departments were created. The villages were greened and the existing museums were renovated. New museums and cultural centers were built for non-museum villages. Eceabat was organized as an open-air museum in the scope of the project which was given training for English, computer, hostel and personal development with the cooperation of Public Education Centers. The park, which is called don Respect for History Park Say, was equipped to show all details of the Battle of Çanakkale. The sculptures in the form of animation in the park took place in the En World’s Most Interesting 25 Statue Park list. Within the scope of the project, the 57th Military Martyrdom was renewed and the Akbas Martyrdom, one of the two largest hospitals of the Gallipoli Peninsula, was built. Eceabat’ta lost the functionality of the elementary school instead of building a new and modern school was brought to the life of education and training. A research conducted by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University found that the project increased the quality of social life in the region, brought history awareness, enriched cultural life, and improved the economic level by developing the business culture.